Unity 2019.4.20f, FlowCanvas 3.1.8 (for real this time!).
So, I have some prefabs that have bound graphs on them — mostly UI stuff, listening for button events and etc.
If, in my scene, I have a prefab with a bound graph on it in the hierarchy, and I go into prefab mode to edit that graph, the viewport resets to the default position any time I try to scroll, after a very brief delay. This only happens if “auto-save” is on in prefab mode. If I turn it off, everything is fine. This makes it pretty difficult to edit the bound prefab without constantly turning auto-save on and off.
I know I could start using asset graphs, but one of the reasons I’m using bound graphs here is that there’s no re-useability for any of these graphs: I’m basically listening for various UI events and firing off the appropriate game system event.
Indeed, prefab “Auto-Save” does not work well with FC (or NC). The reason for that is because I opted to have it possible to Undo viewport panning for a better user experience (if undoing without viewport undo it is not clear what has been undoed). However, in prefab mode and auto-save, Unity seems to take a while (ms wise) to actually register the undos and especially save the prefab. As a result the viewport snaps back to the previous position after saving is done by unity because of the delay it has. Personally and most people I know basically have “Auto-Save” disabled since Unity will ask you to save the changes anyway as soon as you exit prefab edit mode. If that is a problem for you I might re-consider removing the Undo from viewport panning. However Unity will still be very slow at any other change made in FC which it will try to automatically save.
Hm, I see, that does make sense. If the editing will be slow with auto-save on, maybe there should be an editor window message to that effect — if FlowCanvas can detect auto-save at all, anyway?
Either way I’ll chalk this down to “Unity quirk” and make sure to turn off auto-save. Thanks!