I’m using Simple Waypoint System inside NodeCanvas inside FlowCanvas, and I’ve added a Box Collider to the final Waypoint to trigger a Say Dialogue, but nothing happens. In the image, the Customer object has entered the Trigger attached to Waypoint 12 (in front of the register). I’ve been working on this for most of the day and can’t figure out where I’m going wrong here.
This part of the flowscript only executes on Awake since that is the only event here. The Check Trigger condition even if it becomes true, it does not matter since the Switch Condition and in consequence Say action only be called in Awake.
So, you would want to create another Event, like for example OnTriggerEnter or Update, to handle the triggering condition and in consequence the Say action. Here is an example:
So, the problem was two-fold. First, I was using the wrong kind of colliders for the characters. I switched from using Mesh Colliders to using Capsule Colliders and that set off the Trigger. Secondly, as you mentioned, I was doing everything from Awake. These two issues were getting in the way of each other, so when I changed one or the other, it didn’t work.