I have prefab with parent gObj and child gObj. Parent gObj include FlowScript and child gObj consists of Rigidbody (with checked isKinematic property) and Collider components. And some obstacle objects contain Collider component with checked isTrigger property.
Well I try detect collision between child gObj of prefab and obstacle gObj. As FlowScript connected to parent gObj of prefab and Collider (with Rigidbody) to child I use target for trigger. But it’s not work. Pls, tell me, WAIDW?
Hmm. This happens because the Trigger Event node is initialized before the Start Event node. This of course should not happen.
I have just properly implemented a way to always execute nodes in correct priority, thus fix this problem you are facing.
If you want I can send you the new version to your email 🙂
Should I use your registered email account for that?
As I stated in my email I send you, please use the “OnAwake” or the “OnEnable” events for initialization.
Don’t use “On Start”. Right now, the “On Start” event is called 1 frame after everything else.
Please replace “On Start” with “On Awake” and let me know if that works for you.
Thank you.