Setting animator controller parameters

FlowCanvas Forums Support Setting animator controller parameters

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  • #2304


    I’ve got a “knight” object and Knight Animation controller. I’ve set up some boolean parameters isJumping, isRunning and so on. I’ve also set up transitions and conditions.

    How do I access and set animator controller boolean parametes? I need to for example set isJumping to true when I press the space key to jump.

    I noticed there’s get parameters node but that does not seem to give access to the boolean parameters I’ve created (see flow-script-2.PNG).

    Or can I transition from one state to another without setting boolean parameters?

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    You can do that by using the “Set Bool” method node. You can find the method node under “Functions/Reflected/Animator/Methods/Set Bool”, or of course simply search for it in the browser 🙂
    There also of course exist similar method node for other type of parameters (Set Float, Set Integer etc), as well as nodes for Get Float, Get Integer etc.

    Let me know if that works for you.

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