Thanks to this topic – – I worked out I can use send event to activate a custom event, however the problem with this is I can’t specify what event within the animator I want to receive.
(I also receive the error ‘unity AnimationEvent has no receiver! Are you missing a component?’ with the above).
My goal is to be able to show/hide an object attached to a character, triggered by events added to the animation clips.
I tried ‘Send Event <Animation Clip’ too but that still doesn’t let me choose what specific event in the clip to listen to, and I also couldn’t workout how to make it character specific (like how with the animator you choose the actual component in the character).
Would really appreciate any information on how to get this working.
P.S. sorry for the current frequency of help requests-trying to push forward more progress with my progress so I’m hitting this kinds of hurdles faster at the moment.
No problem 🙂
So, the solution posted in that topic, is about sending events to the flowscript from within an animation clip, by using Unity’s animation events.
The function selection dropdown in the animation event window, shows all supported functions that exist on all components attached on the same gameobject that the Animator/Animation component is also attached on. This is just how unity animation events work.
Thus for this solution to work correctly, the Animator component has to be on the same gameobject that the FlowScriptController component is also attached on, for the “SendEvent” function to show in the dropdown menu. Then, the string parameter, is the actual name of the event to send.
So, you are basically sending an event to the flowscript from within an animation clip played on the same gameobject the flowscriptController is attached on and in return, the flowscript will require a “Custom Event” node that has the same event name set as the string “parameter” of the animation event.
Please let me know if that helps clarify the usage.
Ahh that makes sense now. I got caught up with there also being animation ‘events’ in the file editor,
but after making duplicates of the animation files so they’re no longer read-only and adding the events via the animation window
like that/moving the custom events to a new flowcanvas on the character, it all works absolutely perfectly 😀 thank you very much!