FlowCanvas Forums › Support › problem about custom node inherited from flowNode class
hi,Gavalakis, I hava a question:add a new custom node inherited from flownode class by drag a port connection, I can’t find the node in context menu. how to solve this problem?
here is the custom node code
public class G_Rotate : FlowNode
private int index = 0;
public int Index
get { return index; }
if (index != value)
index = value;
if (index == 0)
name = “rotate(Self)”;
name = “rotate(World)”;
private int mode = 0;
public int Mode
get { return mode; }
if (mode != value)
mode = value;
protected override void RegisterPorts()
var transform = AddValueInput<Transform>(“Transform”);
var outPut = AddFlowOutput(“Out”);
switch (mode)
case 0:
var axis = AddValueInput<Vector3>(“Axis”);
var angle = AddValueInput<float>(“Angle”);
AddFlowInput(“In”, (f) =>
transform.value.Rotate(axis.value, angle.value, index == 0 ? Space.Self : Space.World);
case 1:
var vector3 = AddValueInput<Vector3>(“Vector3”);
AddFlowInput(“In”, (f) =>
transform.value.Rotate(vector3.value, index == 0 ? Space.Self : Space.World);
case 2:
var floatX = AddValueInput<float>(“X”);
var floatY = AddValueInput<float>(“Y”);
var floatZ = AddValueInput<float>(“Z”);
AddFlowInput(“In”, (f) =>
transform.value.Rotate(floatX.value, floatY.value, floatZ.value,
index == 0 ? Space.Self : Space.World);
protected override void OnNodeInspectorGUI()
Index = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(“Space Type:”, Index, new string[2] { “Self”, “World” });
Mode = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(“Rotate Mode:”,Mode, new string[3] { “Rotate Along Axis”, “Rotate by Vector3”, “Rotate by 3 Float”});
For nodes deriving FlowNode directly (instead of SimplexNodes), you have to add an attribute to let FC know for what types of ports dragged this way, the node will show up in the menu. For this node for example, you could have something like this:
1 2 3 4 |
[ContextDefinedInputs(typeof(Flow), typeof(Transform))] [ContextDefinedOutputs(typeof(Flow))] |
Let me know if that works for you.
I also notice that there is an error in your console that seems to relate to FC. Can you please post this error for me here?
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thanks,Gavalakis. it’s realy helpful.
the error caused by modify some code in flowNode plugin script, there’s no problem now.
I also find a small bug about node name display: such as custom event node or code event node which eventdata type is <Color>, will display like this picture. i think the color type string may be conflict with node name rich text type.
Thanks for the follow up of the problem being fixed as well as for the bug report with the color.
I need to take a look at this and fix it 🙂 It’s indeed relevant to rich text and the title of the node being colored.
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