After playing with Flow Canvas for a day I was surprised that there wasn’t any beginner tutorials.
So I bashed out a short series about setting up a basic first person controller.
4 videos with a total play time of less than half an hour.
Hope you like them.
That is awesome. 🙂
Thanks so much for making and sharing these video tutorials!
They are really well made and explained.
I have of course just made your post sticky and send you an email as well.
Nice Wavyeye! You and I are on the same wavelength. I am currently working on a set of tutorials myself because I was thinking the same thing. Arm surgery has been a major hurdle though – I’ve been making them all with the use of one hand. I hope to post them in the next few weeks!
A quick update – I have finished recording all videos and am now working on video editing and dubbing voice overs (all new to me). I swear, this is the harder part 🙂
Quick info about this project – it’s a simple 2d top-down space shooter with a simple game loop: Main Menu scene and Game Scene with pausing, dying, and restarting.
Good news all. I finished all of my video editing yesterday for all of my videos – there’s a lot of them (16).
Bad news – While watching all of my videos, I noticed that when I’m in Play mode in Unity, it’s suuuuuuper choppy. Choppy enough to turn people off from the tutorial series I think. Apparently, in OBS Studio, I was set to 30 fps when I should’ve been set to 60 fps 🙁
Anyways, I just wanted to give a (sad) update to my tutorial series.
@wavyeye I’ve said in person, but I would also like to say it here. Thanks a lot!
@crazyasian Thank you very much for making the video tutorial series! While as you said it’s choppy in play mode, I think it’s still lot of great value there 🙂 If you make a new thread with your tutorial, I will super stick it as well if you want to. I’ve also just added your series in the Videos section. Thanks again for making this series!