(Editor Warning): Prefab Bound Graph just got overridden!

FlowCanvas Forums Support (Editor Warning): Prefab Bound Graph just got overridden!

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  • #2633

    I am not sure why 2 of my objects constantly spit out this warning when I play it in the editor:


    (Editor Warning): Prefab Bound Graph just got overridden!
    UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, String, Object, Object)
    ParadoxNotion.Services.Logger:ForwardToUnity(LogType, Object, String, Object) (at Assets/ParadoxNotion/CanvasCore/Common/Runtime/Services/Logger.cs:116)
    ParadoxNotion.Services.Logger:Internal_Log(LogType, Object, String, Object) (at Assets/ParadoxNotion/CanvasCore/Common/Runtime/Services/Logger.cs:108)
    ParadoxNotion.Services.Logger:LogWarning(Object, String, Object) (at Assets/ParadoxNotion/CanvasCore/Common/Runtime/Services/Logger.cs:55)
    NodeCanvas.Framework.GraphOwner:OnAfterGraphSerialized(Graph) (at Assets/ParadoxNotion/CanvasCore/Framework/Runtime/Graphs/GraphOwner.cs:435)
    NodeCanvas.Framework.Graph:SelfSerialize() (at Assets/ParadoxNotion/CanvasCore/Framework/Runtime/Graphs/Graph.cs:87)
    NodeCanvas.Framework.Graph:UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() (at Assets/ParadoxNotion/CanvasCore/Framework/Runtime/Graphs/Graph.cs:47)


    There is nothing fancy done on these objects

    Please let me know how to fix this thanks



    Hmm..Can you please let me know what is your setup for the graphs/object so that I am able to reproduce this warning?

    Please let me know.


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    Sorry for the delay.


    Just did the latest update,


    These 2 are the ones that are showing the warnings (attached pictures)




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    Hello again,

    Is it possible for you to please send me your project to take a closer look at this? It seems quite complicated for me to understand what could be wrong (or find a potential bug) only from the screenshots unfortunately. If you can, that would be really great! Please use (support_AT_paradoxnotion.com) if so.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh

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