Corgi & FlowCanvas

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    Hello Nuv,

    I recently purchased Corgi.
    I want to start learning FlowCanvas… and I also want to use FlowCanvas to modify Corgi’s values.

    For example I have a Character Controller script. Official documentation is this.

    Here is a screenshot with some stuff I want to modify:

    For starters let’s say I want to modify “Number of Jumps”. I did a drag and drop into FlowCanvas but I only see classes & stuff. I’m not sure how to find that value.

    If I do a drag & drop into PlayMaker however, I am easily able to find that property. I actually see a list…

    This is what I see in FlowCanvas:

    Sorry if my question is stupid, but I’m trying to find a logical way so I can find answers by myself later 😀

    1. I have the domcumentation from the developer… how can I extract information from that and do what I want to do (change the umber of jumps I can make).

    Thank You 😀



    The “NumberOfJumps” property is part of the “DefaultBehaviourParameters” class as well as probably the “BehaviourParameters” one, and not really of the “CharacterBehaviour” component class. The “CharacterBehaviour” class instead has a reference to the “BehaviourParameters” class.

    What you can thus do, is to “get_BehaviourParameters” property and then drag the “Value” output of that node into empty canvas to go deeper down and get the “NumberOfJumps” property from the “BehaviourParameters” class.

    I don’t have Corgi, but that would probably look something like this:

    Let me know if this works for you.

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    I will try it once I get my computer back. I had to return my new CPU & Motherboard 🙁

    It’s a bit sad that I need an extra step to modify a value. Is there any way to make the FlowCanvas display a menu like PlayMaker? I mean… PM is able to detect the class (or whatever it is) and it’s allowing me to pinpoint the value directly.

    This is the documentation:

    Anyway… I find it a bit strange maybe because I don’t have them in front of me to test things out.



    To clarify, if we were to set the NumberOfJumps in code, that would look something like this:

    Being a flowgraph visual scripting system, in FlowCanvas each node is very similar to what “.” is doing in code and that is part of the whole design behind, that such visual scripting tools (Unreal Blueprints, Autodesk Stingray and FlowCanvas) are build around.
    So it is very different to how playmaker or other tools might be working around this.

    I hope that clarifies why it works the way it does 🙂

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    Yea I understand.
    Now I need to find a way to get the classes I need to modify whenver I want to modify something.

    Like I see the values from above, let’s say that I want to modify the speed. How do I know how to do it?

    I know this is not FlowCanvas 100% related but help would be appreciated 🙂



    It really depends on the asset and knowing how the asset works by it’s documentation most of the times. Corgi as far as I see, has a property in that CharacterBeahviour script (BehaviourParameters), that returns a class which contains all those parameters. This is something that I understood from the property naming in the image and the documentation, so there is not standard way to know before hand just by looking at the inspector, especially considering that sometimes people also create custom inspectors for their assets.

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    I’m trying to achieve something similar with FlowCanvas and Corgi.

    I’ve followed the same path with Playmaker and did it (getting a variable from a custom script on update). I’ve not been able to it with FlowCanvas yet, but I’ve come to a point where I can get Health variable but I cannot do any of the nodes Callable so they are not called on Update.

    In the attached screen capture, the Player node is the dragged prefab GO with the attached CharacterBehaviour component. Get Health node is the method that gets health variable from the attached component.

    How can Player node be connected to a on Update method ?

    Thank You

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    I found the answer.

    Just drag and drop the component from which you want to get the variable (Health variable from CharacterBehaviour component in my case) and choose Get Health method from that node. Connect the Get Health node to a variable via Set Blackboard variable function and lastly connect variable setter node to on Update function.

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    As for the numberofJumps question, you should select Get Behaviour Parameters method from the dragged CharacterBehaviour component (shown as Player node in the screenshot) and then you should connect it to a variable. An on Update function can be connected to the variable to enable the node to refresh on every frame.

    To edit the variables inside the CharacterBehaviourParameters, you can then click on the blackboard variable shown in the up right corner of the canvas to open the object editor. All variables can be seen and edited from there, including numberofjumps.

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