Build error after update

FlowCanvas Forums Support Build error after update

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  • #1772


    I have recently purchased nodecanvas while i’m using a flowcanvs.
    I’ve followed steps as in documentation.

    1. installed flowCanvas
    2. installed NodeCanvas
    3. deleted framework folder in flowCanvas

    Play in editor works fine.
    then i got bunch of errors while builing android apk.

    what am i missing?

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ParadoxNotion.Design.UserTypePrefs.GetTypeIcon (System.Type type, Boolean fallbackToDefault) (at Assets/ExternLib/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Framework/_Commons/Design/PartialEditor/UserTypePrefs.cs:255)
    FlowCanvas.Port.CacheGUIContent () (at Assets/ExternLib/ParadoxNotion/FlowCanvas/Module/Ports.cs:46)
    FlowCanvas.Port..ctor (FlowCanvas.FlowNode parent, System.String name, System.String ID) (at Assets/ExternLib/ParadoxNotion/FlowCanvas/Module/Ports.cs:22)

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    Answering to my question.
    reverting back to previous UserTypePref.cs has resolved this problem.

    devs, check this parts.

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    Hello and welcome.

    Thank you for the report and information.
    The new version should be the one on the right side of your posted image, which does the null check for the texture (which I also remember was the problem when building). Can you please confirm that the right side is indeed what you have in the new version (otherwise I will need to re-upload the package).

    Thank you!

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