The references messed up after selecting them using Quick Search.
Please see the attached file:
The node outlined with red circle has the outlined graph reference but it seems as without any reference so has the “Create New” button on it. Double clicking on the node doesn’t work as well.
Hmmm. This is very weird and the first time I’ve been reported that. Cann you please confirm that the asset flowscript graph that is assigned there, is actually valid (meaning if you select it in your project, can you edit it correctly?)
I am asking this because I see it has a blank icon. whereas scriptable object asset usually have a box icon with a “{}”.
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Can you please let me know what Unity version you are using? Testing this under Unity 2019.3 LT does not seem to create any issues. Meaning that assigning/setting graphs via the Unity’s “quick search” (the small circle icon) works correctly. I presume that is what you mean by “Quick Seach” as well?
Sorry for the very late answer 🙂 I’ve just remembered this thread and checked.
I’m using Unity 2020.3 LTS version right now. I experienced this problem on both 2020.1 and 2020.2. I meant the Quick Search plugin of Unity, that’s correct.
The quicksearch window is not visible in the video. Where the references get lost, i was navigating between the files in the quick search menu. Searched for AI_ and there was the four files.
I’m also experiencing another similar problem between my computers. I lose the prefab references when i push files from my machine to git and pull on another.
I think Unity changes the guid or something while openning the project on another pc which causes FC losing the reference.
Hello again,
I am still not sure by what you mean “Quick Search Plugin” and I can’t really see that in the video 🙂
How are you switching between the different graphs on the left please?
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