I have a small problem, I am writing a script for the main character, at the moment I have about 30 variables and I noticed a small drawdown of the FPS in the editor when the window with the variables is expanded, the fact is that I plan to write more scripts for this character and the number of variables will be Even more, drawdown will be even too , it will be inconvenient.
I somehow heard that you are going to add local blackboards for flowscripts.
It would solve my problem, I would like to know if there is progress in this direction?
I am currently working hard on a new update with lots of convenience changes. One of them is local blackboards (finally 🙂 ). The blackboard editor (and all inspectors) are also re-work to some extent both for performance as well as other things. (Spoiler: prefab per-variable overrides for the Blackboard Component)
I currently have an FlowCanvas asset attached to two objects in my scene. Both copies are using the same blackboard … which isn’t very intuitive and I do not want to bind my assets to the gameobjects in question … are these local blackboards what I am looking for?
EDIT: I think it was a bug I found. I went to show a colleague this and did some reversion in git and recreated the second Flowscript Controller and it worked as expected. Somehow, the second FlowScript Controller was using the Blackboard of the first … not sure how it happened.