2 Errors after import

FlowCanvas Forums Support 2 Errors after import

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  • #2011

    Like Title says, I got 2 errors right after i imported the asset

    Assets/ParadoxNotion/FlowCanvas/Framework/_Commons/Design/PartialEditor/EditorUtils/EditorUtils_ReflectedInspector.cs(183,29): error CS0117: UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout' does not contain a definition forEnumFlagsField’

    Assets/ParadoxNotion/FlowCanvas/Framework/Design/PartialEditor/Editors/BlackboardEditor.cs(373,29): error CS0117: UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout' does not contain a definition forEnumFlagsField’

    im using unity 2017.2.0f3 (not sure if this matters)



    I am sorry about the errors. To quickly fix those:

    1) Please open file EditorUtils_ReflectedInspector.cs and change lines at #182 to be like this:

    2) Please open BlackboardEditor.cs file and change lines at #372 to be like this:

    The important difference that needs changing is actually only this: #if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER.

    If you have any troubles at all making the changes, please let me know, I will gladly send you the changed files to your email account for your convenience.

    Please let me know.
    Thank you.

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