2.7.0f1 upgrading troubles

FlowCanvas Forums Support 2.7.0f1 upgrading troubles

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  • #1620

    I’ve got some troubles upgrading to 2.7.0f1 on my existing project that I want to note so the author or other users can keep that in mind.

    1. [DoNotList] attribute is now inherited. Previously I had a parent node class and lots of my nodes were inherited from it. And I used [DoNotList] attribute to hide it from the node picker which didn’t affect inherited classes. Now the same project didn’t want to show me any of my nodes, so I’ve spent quite amount of time to find the reason.

    2. Two-line node names now look broken. Not sure what to about this.

    3. No more IconAttribute.Mode.AppendToTitle attribute. Just had to delete it from my code.

    That’s all for now. Anyway, thanks for your job! I love how flowCanvas progresses.

    Developer at Lazy Bear Games



    Thanks for the notes as well as for your positive feedback on FlowCanvas 🙂
    You are correct about all your points, though I really had to make some changes/refactoring to a few things.

    1) I think it made more sense to have the [DoNotList] attribute inherited, since abstract types are not listed in the menu anyway. If not already, then you could make that parent node type you are using abstract, to make it not show in the menu.

    2) That is correct, 2-liners are currently not supported because of the header now having a fixed height, but I will take another look at this!

    3) The Mode in the IconAttribute has been replaced with a property you can override in your nodes. The property is called “iconAlignment” and to replicate the previous ‘Mode.AppendToTitle’, you simply have to override the property (probably in your parent type) and return ‘Alignment2x2.Bottom’. (Only Default, Left and Bottom are currently taken into account by the way).

    Thanks again for your feedback!

    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh


    Thanks for your job!

    Some more points I’ve found:

    4) (doesn’t matter, the reason was my TextureImporter script that conflicted with flow canvas skin textures) On one of my machines there’s an error at line:
    GUI.Box(resizeRect, string.Empty, (GUIStyle)"scaleArrowTL");
    saying it can’t find a “scaleArrowTL” style. (Also, this error is constantly spamming while node canvas is opened making editing veeeery laggy). The other my PC (at home) works fine. The same version of Unity, same OS. Tried to re-import plugin. Tried to check settings on a “scaleArrowTL.png” texture – they are the same. Tried restarting Unity. No result. Can’t imagine why can it be happening. 🙁 On the same PC colorful node headers are not shown (tried to change the header display settings). Seems that it is the same skin-related problem.

    5) Node picker doesn’t work in play mode. It constantly is showing “Loading…” progress bar and never loads. No errors in the log.

    Developer at Lazy Bear Games


    6) Another bug that seems to be very important –

    Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V is broken in node inspectors.

    To reproduce:

    a. Press Ctrl-C on any of nodes
    b. Select any text string in any other GUI/application and Ctrl-C it
    c. Return to node canvas, open a node with any text fields in the inspector, put your cursor in the text field and try to Ctrl-V the text.


    The new node will be pasted (not the text as you expect). Also, a pair NullRefs will be in the log.

    PS: Same thing if you try to paste with the rick-click mouse menu

    Developer at Lazy Bear Games


    Hello again,

    Thank you for the further reports.
    #6: Already fixed. I can tell you the code changes if it is a problem for you.
    #5: I will look into this. I think I know why it is happening already. 🙂
    #4: For the next version the GUIStyles are already refactored, thus conflicts like this would not occur.


    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh


    #6 – yes, please. I’m using pasting values quite often. So that would be great to fix that! 😉

    Developer at Lazy Bear Games



    Sorry for late reply due to Christmas.
    To quick fix this, please open up Editor_Graph.cs file and change line #352 to be like this:

    Thank you and happy new year!

    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/97q2Rjh

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