Reply To: How to fix "Deserialization attempt feailure" for bound graph?

FlowCanvas Forums Support How to fix "Deserialization attempt feailure" for bound graph? Reply To: How to fix "Deserialization attempt feailure" for bound graph?


Hello. It’s me again.

The error started to appear and now all bound graphs are broken again.

Do all your graphs show this Deserialization Error?

Yes. Deserialization Error sometimes stop poping when i do “Refresh” and then “Re-validate graph”. But sometimes it doesn’t.

Are there any other errors at all in the console when you open Unity/Scene or otherwise? (very important)

Yes. Here there is one besides “Mismatch Enter/Exit”:

Are any of your custom nodes do anything tricky or anything with serialization?

I’m not sure, that they are. I’m no expirienced programmer, so my custom nodes are made alike examples at flow canvas documentation and nothing more.

Is sending the project to be a possibility? If so I would be able to help you much faster and would be great!

No, it isn’t, because there are ~11 GB of stuff and i’m keeping it only on my HDD with just local repo.