I would like to introduce myself 🙂 And I hope I will be in future a happy flowCanvas user 🙂
We are a creative agency for trade show exhibitions. We delivered multiple interactive applications with the blueprint system in Unreal in the past 4 years. Now my company wants to focus strongly on AR and mobile and Unreal is… not very good developed in this area. ARKit is lacking the newest features and is not production ready at all.
So we are considering swithing to Unity but we want a Visual Scripting System like Blueprint. After a big researched it looks to me that Bolt and flowCanvas are the only options.
I have some questions:
Is flowCanvas still in a very active development and we can build our projects on flowCanvas in the future? Because a lot of the VS assets in the store seems dead somehow. Killed by Playmaker or Bolt?
Is it possible to do full AR Development in flowCanvas? Something like shown with Bolt?
Bolt and flowCanvas have both strenght and weakness, Bolt seems to me more “user-friendly” and flowCanvas more geared to serios visual scripting system like blueprint. Can you tell me your opinions? 🙂
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