Do you mean formulas /expressions by “writing” them down, or by using several nodes connected together? Of course, it is possible with nodes, but it is not (yet) by writing down the expression. I have however worked and have an early version of an Expression Node already made (but not published). I can send you the package to try it out if you want of course though 🙂
“When” something is happening in either Node or Flow Canvas, is fully related to the system. For example, in NodeCanvas, Behaviour Trees, are making things happening in a different manner than FSMs, or FlowCanvas flowScripts. FlowCanvas flowScripts, are fully event-driven, so you could make something happen based on some event which can come from a really lot of places (like for example input, trggers, collisions, c# events, unity events etc). Is that what you mean?
NodeCanvas Behaviour Trees, do have a node called “Probability Selector” which works prety much like you say. FlowCanvas on the other hand, does not have such a node, but I think it is a really good addition to make actually 🙂 I will definetely add a Probability node in FlowCanvas as well.
Please let me know on the above and if you need any further information.
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