Thank you so much, this is a satisfying answer. I will analyze your code for in hopes of being able to figure this out myself, on the meanwhile I will be looking forward to seeing such update and to see how well I can adjust it to fit this particular need, I’m sure it’ll be much better than anything I’ll be able to do in a few months.
Very nice products btw, I’m really liking how flowCanvas and nodeCanvas work.
I do have one more question and that would be:
How can I access another flowScript from a flowScript dynamically? Let’s say object A has a flowScript that is checking all objects inside of its trigger to determine whether they fit a specific category or not. if they do, I’d like to get a reference to their flowscript but I’d like to set these references at runtime. I messed for a day or two with this but couldn’t figure it out, and I think the documentation available didn’t get me much closer, or at least I didn’t catch it up.
The documentation is pretty good btw, I’m not trying to say otherwise.
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